The basic status and options settings handy reference.   For the times when anything not a zero don’t compute and you need to start somewhere

Autoresponder Status Options

The meaning the current status of the autoresponders. Is it:

0 – Live
1 – Disabled
2 – Sending Paused
3 – Prevent New Subscription

They mean:

– New subscriptions will be accepted and due follow-up messages will be sent.

– No new subscriptions will be accepted and no due follow-up messages will be sent.

Sending paused
– New subscriptions will be accepted but no due follow-up messages will be sent.

Prevent new subscriptions
– No new subscriptions will be accepted but due follow-up messages will be sent.

Contact Status Options For an Autoresponder

For the checking OR setting of a “status” for an autoresponder that is to be assigned a contact. It can be:

0 – Active
1 – Paused
2 – Cancelled
3 – Dropped
4 – Finished
5 – Failed

– Can, will and does get sent emails

– Could be sent autoresponder emails but is not currently. May still get sent broadcasts

– Unsubscribed from this autoresponder but may be member of other autoresponders and can still be sent broadcasts unless the email_address is part of the do-not-mail email suppression list

– ended this autoresponder subscription and moved or started a new

– The contact has completed the full sequence of emails.

– A message sent previously, received a permanent Error failed response. eg “does not exist”