
Responses are sent for:

  • confirmation of API call
  • error messages
  • returned data

Responses are returned in either JSON or XML format.

The default is JSON, the format is specified in the URL after the api Function call:.

JSON Response Format

Responses are in standard JSON format. The response contains pairs for:

  • status – ok or error
  • details
  • returned values


{“status”:”error”,”detail”:”Contact already exists”}

If the call contains multiple lists, there will be responses for the contact and each list. These will be returned in a JSON array, for example:

{“email_address”:””,”status”:”ok”, “detail”:”Success”},
{“list”:”fred”,”status”:”error”,”detail”:”List not found”}

{“status”:”error”,”detail”:”Contact already exists”}

XML Response Format

The response is returned in XML elements. As for JSON, the response contains elements to identify the API call, status, details and data values.


   <detail>invalid list format</detail>
   <detail>List not found</detail>