Function Call: list_autoresponder_emails Purpose: Lists all contact email addresses contained in an autoresponder, searched by name, within the given time period, or all if no time period is supplied....
Contact Management
List Contacts By Tag
Function Call: list_contacts_by_tag Purpose: Returns a list of all contacts who were added between a given date range, grouped by tag. Parameters: date_start date_end format: YYYY-MM-DD Return: For ea...
Get Contact
Function Call: get_contact Purpose: Returns a list of all standard contact form data, as an array , for the contact email address. eg name, address, telephone etc Parameters: api_key email_address R...
Delete Contact
Function Call: delete_contact Purpose: Deletes a contact and all records from the system. Parameters: api_key email_address Returm: Status – ok or error Details Example:
Suppress Contact
Function Call: suppress_contact Purpose: Suppress sending of emails to a contact and add the email address to the email suppression list i.e. unsubscribe the contact. Parameters: api_key email_address...
Unsubscribe Contact
Function Call: unsub_contact Purpose: Unsubscribe a contact from one or more lists. Parameters: api_key email_address lists Optional field values: datecode_subscribe - format yyyymmddhh subscribe_ip_a...
Move Contact
Function Call: move_contact Purpose: Move a contact from one autoresponder list to another Parameters: email_address from_list to_list Optional field values: next_message Example:
Edit Contact
Function call: edit_contact Parameters: email_address – Email address of contact to edit data fields – Any data field / name pairs from the list in Appendix custom fields – Any exi...
Add Contact
Function call: add_contact Purpose: This function will add a new contact with the option to add the contact to one or more autoresponder lists. Parameters: email_address - Email address of new conta...